Outreach and public engagement
Explore this page to see the highlights of my science communication portfolio.
Projects & Initiatives
Neurodivergent in STEM (2019-present)
In 2019, I started the ‘Neurodivergent in STEM’ project to raise the profiles of neurodivergent people in STEM fields and celebrate neurodivergent strengths. As an autistic woman in physics, I had no openly autistic role models who I could relate to so I wanted to create a place where young neurodivergent people could go to see themselves in STEM.
The project is community-driven and features self-submitted stories as well as profiles of public figures. We also share blog posts exploring neurodivergent experiences in STEM as well as providing information about neurodiversity and discussing best practices for ensuring that STEM fields are accessible to neurominorities.
Notes from the Physics Lab: Blog, Instagram & YouTube (2018-present)
My main form of science communication is through online media. I have been ‘microblogging’ about my research, physics, and life as a scientist on Instagram since December 2018. Since then, my page’s audience has grown and I have also started a blog and YouTube channel to complement my social-media-based science communication. The former allows me to explore physics concepts in a more long-form way and the latter gives me space to experiment with a different way of communicating.
STEM Ambassador & Quantum Ambassador (2018-present)
I’ve been a STEM ambassador since October 2018. As part of this, I do activities in the local area as well as online events talking to young people about science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. This involves things like careers talks, workshops on physics concepts, and videos exploring aspects of my own work. If you are a teacher or community leader in the UK and would like your students to talk to a STEM professional, you can sign up here to book STEM ambassadors like me for an activity or event.
Past Projects
The Quantum Garden (2019)
In the summer of 2019, I ran, designed and managed ‘the quantum garden’ project. Using funding from the physics department, I wanted to communicate some of the research done in the photonics and quantum sciences group in a creative way that would reach an audience that might not usually engage with physics. To do this, I designed a garden inspired by a paper published by our group to convey quantum physics concepts. We built the garden in the local area and it was entered into the local garden competition ‘Guildford in Bloom’. The garden won a gold medal and ‘best in class’ for the student showcase garden category. It generated a lot of buzz and we spoke to lots of local people about the work we are doing in the physics department a Surrey.
Events and Activities
STEMAZINGKids sessions: Remote STEM sessions for primary schools as part of STEMAZING Inspiration Academy (June-July 2022)
Summer of STEM Primary Magazine: Took part in ‘write to a STEM ambassador’ activity' (Summer 2022)
Making a Difference with STEM: Virtual panellist at the Big Bang Fair (24th June 2022)
Lightyear Foundation Virtual Lab: Volunteer helping run virtual sessions building racing cars in SEND schools (June 2022)
Young Coders Competition: Judged competition entries (June 2022)
My Skills My Life (workshop): Remote delivery of the My Skills My Life resource for Broughton Hall School (12 May 2022)
Let’s Explore Quantum Computing: Remote workshop for the STEM Ambassador Hub London (27 April 2022)
I’m A Scientist, Get me out of here!: Helium zone participant (March 2022)
Inspirational Women in STEM: Speaker for a STEM Ambassador Hub London remote event (8 March 2022)
FIRST® LEGO® League Challenge Tournament: Remote Referee (22 and 29 January 2022)
Science-A-Thon 2021: Participant [View my ‘day of science’ on Instagram and Twitter] (October 2021)
World Space Week Guildford 2021: Organising team and volunteer (9 October 2021)
Winchester Science Centre: Volunteer Inspirer & STEM Ambassador in Bio: Space (September 2021)
Young Coders Competition: Judged competition entries (June 2021)
Spintronics: A new age of electronics?: Talk for the University of Surrey round of the Three Minute Thesis competition (June 2021)
2020 and before
I’m A Scientist, Get me out of here!: Physics zone participant (November 2020)
GLF Science Fair: Helped run a physics stall (1 April 2019)
‘Innovate Guildford Science & Arts Festival’: University Surrey physics stall volunteer (23 March 2019)
STEM Day at St Hilary's School: Ran a workshop on the physics of rainbows (12 February 2019)
Institute of Physics Family Day: Volunteer (9 February 2019)
‘Seeing the Unseen’: Ran a stall on lasers (29 October 2018)